What is EDiR?
EDiR stands for European Diploma in Radiology. This exam is conducted by the European Board of Radiology and the European Society of Radiology
- EDiR is an international certification of your radiological knowledge.
- EDiR certifies that your knowledge of general radiology meets the standards expected upon completion of training, as outlined by the ESR European Training Curriculum.
- EDiR is an added value to your CV and is currently a differential value which will make you stand out from other candidates for a job or fellowship.
EDiR is equivalent to:
- The Polish national board examination
- The Dutch national board examination
- The Croatian national board examination
- The first section of the Turkish board examination
- The image interpretation section of the Finnish national examination.
- The written part of the Slovenian board examination

EDiR has been recognized by the Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (IRIA) and the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) and has significant value in many other countries, such as Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, France, Georgia, Italy, Malta, Russia, Slovakia and Sweden where EDiR holders can use their certificate for professional credentialing and classification purposes.
More details: Here
What is the EDiR exam structure?
The current exam structure consists of three parts 3:
multiple response questions (MRQs)
computer-based (90 minutes) short cases (SCs)
computer-based examination (90 minutes) clinically oriented reasoning evaluation (CORE)
practical-oriented cases, computer-based examination (90 minutes)
The exam is held in English langauge
Where and when is the EDiR exam conducted?
There are multiple exam centers for the exam, including Cairo, Dubai & Vienna .. others. An advantage of appearing for the EDiR exam during ECR at Vienna is that when we register for the exam, fees for the ECR congress are waived off. To avail of this, we need to register 4-5 months early for the examination.

Eligibility for the EDiR exam:
- Candidates must at least be in their fifth year of national radiology training at the time of the examination.
- Active membership of the relevant national radiological society in the year of the examination is required.
- Candidates must be ESR full members, corresponding members or members in training in the year of the examination
Documentation required for the EDiR examination:
Below is the requested documentation during the online application process. There are direct links to download the proof templates. It is not necessary to use the templates provided, but all documents must be in English.
The following documents must be submitted and received by the EBR office by the stated application deadline:
- A proof of training indicating the duration of radiology training issued by the training institution.
- A proof of practice years as a supervised staff radiologist after your completion of radiology training is required.
A template for the proof of practice years can be downloaded here. - A proof of active membership of the corresponding national society.
- A scanned copy of your passport.

Please access the quick link EDiR examination calendar and click on the box Reserve your place corresponding to the exam you would like to apply for.
You can also send you enquiry via email: diploma@myebr.org.
What are the fees for the EDiR exam?
Here are the fees:
- €500 for full ESR members and ESR members in training.
- €1,100 for corresponding ESR members.
Useful online resources for the EDiR exam:
- Sample exam questions for the EDiR: